Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beginning of Year Nametags

Our school likes for the Kindergarten kiddos to wear their nametags for the first few weeks of school. I have tried many different types of nametags (laminated ones, pinned on, wear around neck) and finally found one that lasts and is easy for the students to wear on their own!
I present to you....NAME CAPES! In the picture below you can see the kids wearing them.

We got this idea from some teachers at our district who also makes them. I love them, the kids love them, they are easy to make and even easier to maintain! I've had these for 2 years now (still in GREAT condition) and all I have to do is take their names off when we're done using them and throw them in the washing machine for next year's kiddos.

Let's get started!

Step one: Buy the polyester fabric and cut them into rectangles with your pinking shears. I sized mine for Kindergartners at 16in x 10in.

Step two: Fold the rectangle in half, draw a half circle along the creased edge and cut it out.

When you open it up, you should have a circle in the center that looks like this:

The circle has a diameter of 5 1/2in. It might look a little small but my kids had no problems fitting into them (esp. since the fabric is a little stretchy). 

 Step 3: Cut the colored duct tape to the size of your child's name, write the name and cover it with packaging tape. Covering it with packaging tape is ESSENTIAL if you do not want the name to rub off.
Finished product should look like this:

We used these for 2-3 months and their names never peeled or came off. They kept them in their cubbies and put it on as soon as they got in the room. Our Kindergarten teachers all made them (each a different color) so it was extremely easy to see a student and know which class he/she belonged to!

Have fun and let me know if you need more details or have any questions! :)


  1. OMG I was going to blog about this during the week.
    This is so adorable and so much work. You are amazing to come up with this. I am in awe of your genius.

  2. This is a fantastic idea.
    I have used duct tape before but storing it each night was a PAIN...this solves that problem.
    Thanks for the tutorial also.
    Seeing it being done is so important and a sure sign of a good teacher!!

  3. Fran,
    First of all, I can not believe you are commenting on my blog!! You have truly been an inspiration to me. I LOVE kindergarten crayons.
    Secondly, I love how you think i'm a genius but this came from someone in my district - the TRUE genius :)
    Third, it really wasn't that much work. If you make a template it makes the whole process easier.
    Thanks again for your comment!

  4. I love this idea!!!! I am going to include their lunch numbers next to the names. Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a wonderful idea! You are KINDERTASTIC!!
    A Teachers Touch

  6. What a great idea! Too late for this year, but I've pinned it so I remember next year. Thanks for showing so clearly.

  7. What a great idea. I am going to make these this summer for my class to use in August. (One of my least favorite back-to-school chores is writing out peel and stick name tags repeatedly AND watching the kiddos peel them off or lose them after all that work. This is a terrific fix to that problem. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. Fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing! How much fabric to you buy for 25 children? What is the size of the neck hole?

  9. I just finished making 32 of these name tag capes.
    I am ready!
    Thanks so much for the info and clear directions. Mine are a lovely sea foam blue color - will help me remember summer at the coast when we start up again.
    @kathgrate in N. California

  10. Pinking shears prevent fraying
